We have an appreciative & collegial corporate culture with many qualified and likeable colleagues. We have a very good working atmosphere.
Be part of a world-leading, high-end software company. We learn with and from each other. Different cultures and living spaces provide food for thought and develop us further.
With us, you have a working environment where you can work creatively and try out new things. We provide financial and technical resources to implement good ideas and projects.
A challenging role in a respectful and global working environment.
Excellent balance between your working life and your private life through flexible home office and flexible working hours (depending on location).
In recognition of your loyalty to AutoForm, we offer special anniversary benefits.
Professional development and continuous education.
We offer a secure job and good prospects for the future.
We give you freedom and want you to change your perspective and develop fresh ideas.
We offer a working environment in which you can contribute and develop yourself and the company.
We are people with diverse skills, views and interests. No matter what nationalities, what religion, what age... Together we work on the success of our company and learn from each other.
All employees worldwide are on “first name terms” – we address each other on the first name.
AutoForm offers flexible working hours; only block times have to be observed. Accrued overtime can be taken in the form of free floating days. The working week at AutoForm is 42 hours.
Up to 60% of the individual workload can be granted as home office.
During the maternity leave, the salary is paid at 100%.
During the 14-day paternity leave, the salary is paid at 100%.
In addition to the 20 legally required days of holiday, AutoForm grants all employees 5 additional days of holiday.
AutoForm offers employees the opportunity to take 10 days of unpaid leave per year.
At least once a year, an appraisal interview is held to discuss and agree on tasks, goals and development measures.
For every recommendation resulting in an employment, the employee receives a bonus.
For employees who speak a foreign language, AutoForm offers support for German courses.
Twice a week, professional running training is offered to employees free of charge.
AutoForm offers employees Reka checks worth CHF 500.
AutoForm provides an allowance for the birth of a child.
Employees benefit from various discounts such as the possibility of shopping at Top CC.
Hot and cold drinks and daily fresh fruits are offered by AutoForm.
AutoForm organize various events such as a Christmas dinner, a ski day, etc.
For part-time employees, the coordination deduction is adjusted to the the percentage of employment. Retirement savings start from the age of 18, which allows greater savings potential.
AutoForm offers a supplementary accident insurance. The premium for this insurance is fully payed by AutoForm.
AutoForm offers the so-called direct insurance as part of the company pension scheme. Additional payments are made by AutoForm in accordance with the legal regulations.
Up to 60% of the individual workload can be granted as home office.
AutoForm provides additional sick pay beyond the statutory entitlement.
An appraisal interview is held at least once a year to discuss and agree on tasks, goals and development measures. As a rule, these talks take place twice a year.
AutoForm offers a company bicycle, which can of course also be used privately. The employer provides the leased bicycle to the employee via “deferred compensation”.
AutoForm provides an allowance for both a wedding and the birth of a child.
For every recommendation resulting in an employment, the employee receives a bonus.
Hot and cold drinks, daily fresh fruits and small snacks are offered by AutoForm.
AutoForm organize various events such as a Christmas dinner, a summer party, team events, etc.